Saturday, January 4, 2020

Arguments Against Racial Profiling - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 738 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/08/02 Category Society Essay Level High school Topics: Racial Profiling Essay Did you like this example? A study from The Leadership Conference stated that the probability of being black, unarmed, and shot by police is roughly 3.49 times the probability of being white, unarmed, and shot by police on average. There is a definite issue here. This is a clear depiction of racial profiling. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Arguments Against Racial Profiling" essay for you Create order Racial profiling is an illegal discriminatory practice in which individuals are targeted for suspicion of crimes based on their ethnicity, race, or religion rather than on evidence-based suspicious behavior. People often place people into certain categories and assume everything about them based off of one past experience with someone of a certain race or even because of the way social media portrays them, Racial profiling would be like someone saying all Latin Americans are illegal aliens or that all Muslims are terrorists when that couldnt be farther from the truth. Racial profiling is based around stereotypes or paradigms, things that are not factual and are, instead, mere assumptions. We need to put an end to this practice to prevent future unnecessary casualties and protect future generations.Firstly, racial profiling has absolutely no plausible benefit; racial profiling is counter-productive, inefficient, and ineffective. It puts innocent citizens under an unwanted and unnecess ary suffering; it affects a variety of people and targets those that are different. Many researchers say that racial profiling typically stems from what they refer to as an implicit bias people being biased without being consciously aware of it, it had practically become second nature. For example, multiple experiments had shown white people will frequently associate criminality with black people without even realizing theyre doing it, stated the Perception Institute. We need to raise children with good morals and ethics, teaching them that everyone is equally deserving of respect and kindness. When innocent people become victims of racial profiling it causes a divide between them and police. It causes a sense of distrust towards law enforcement. These victims begin to believe that the system works for some people, but not all people. Another reason racial profiling needs to come to a halt is because racial profiling violates a persons constitutional rights. It violates the 4th amendment of the Constitution which prohibits against unreasonable search and seizure and also violates the 14th amendment which guarantees an individuals equal protection. This country was fabricated to allow for equal rights and equal opportunity, but not everyone is treated equally. Racial profiling needs to stop, its illegal and immoral. It blatantly violates the Constitution, the basis of our country and that cannot be tolerated.Some people may have such a concrete opinion on certain groups of people which can never be changed. People who dont see the injustice of racial profiling are the type o f people that would say, he was black, he had it coming. or she was Muslim, why wouldnt she be a terrorist? Anyone who attempts to advocate or justify racial profiling is wrong. These type of people do not want equality for all, they feel theyre above the minorities; they feel superior and only care about their demographic. Overall, any counter argument to ending racial profiling is incorrect and not factual. Finally, racial profiling needs to end because it is simply not right and literally contradicts the reason we have a law enforcement system in the first place. The practice itself causes victims to have a sense of fear and distrust towards the police. The police are here to keep us safe, so why are people afraid? People are afraid because they believe the system put in place to protect them is out to harm them. The attitudes of many (not all) members of law enforcement needs to change and possibly be monitored to reduce the issue of racial profiling. One way of reducing this issue is through the use of body cameras on police officers to monitor their actions. Through the usage of these cameras, numerous officers have been caught mistreating civilians.In summary, racial profiling is an illegal discriminatory action in where individuals are targeted for suspicion of crimes based on their ethnicity, r ace, or religion rather than on evidence-based suspicious behavior. It occurs because people are prejudiced and fear differences. The media portrays certain groups of people in a bad light, and we cannot rely on the stereotypes we hear to know the full truth. If we truly want a free and equal-opportunity country, we need to put an end to the illegal practice of racial profiling.

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